Dharmas Education Journal (DE_Journal) https://ejournal.undhari.ac.id/index.php/de_journal <p><strong>Dharmas Education Journal (DE_Journal</strong>) merupakan Jurnal Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Dharmas Indonesia yang terbit dua kali setahun. Jurnal DE_JOURNAL (Dharmas Education Journal) sebuah jurnal Blind peer-review yang didedikasikan untuk publikasi hasil penelitian yang berkualitas dalam bidang pendidikan</p> en-US <p>Makalah yang disampaikan diasumsikan tidak mengandung bahan propietary yang tidak dilindungi oleh hak paten</p> [email protected] (Zuhar Ricky) [email protected] (Dodi Widia Nanda) Fri, 08 Mar 2024 19:14:04 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 STRATEGI KEPALA SEKOLAH DALAM MENINGKATKAN BUDAYA MUTU DI MADRASAH ALIYAH AMANATUL UMMA https://ejournal.undhari.ac.id/index.php/de_journal/article/view/1281 <p><em>Madrasah Aliyah Amanatul Ummah is a modern religion-based school and has a curriculum that is integrated with Cairo, Egypt. The aim of this research is to see the role and obstacles of school principals as managers, supervisors, educators, administrators, leaders, work climate creators, entrepreneurs in improving the quality culture of madrasas. This research used a qualitative case study method. Data collection techniques used were interviews, observation and documentation studies. The subjects in this research were the principal, deputy principal, teachers and parents. Data analysis techniques with data condensation, data presentation, and data collection are displayed. The results of this research have two main themes, namely the Principal's Strategy in improving a quality culture and barriers to implementing a quality culture. The principal's strategies include improving quality, new adaptations, awareness of the implementation of quality culture in schools, quality of graduates, improving quality, developing human resource potential, the role of leaders, creating a positive environment, effective communication, forming a positive stigma in society, targets that need to be realized, encourage increased performance and capability of HR, stakeholder involvement. The obstacle to implementing a quality culture is that busy teaching hours can affect performance and quality so that countermeasures are needed to adjust mentoring time. School Principal Strategy As a leader, it is very necessary to properly manage human resources and natural resources to improve the quality of the school.</em></p> Estika Fitriyanti, Soedjarwo Soedjarwo, Muhamad Soholeh Copyright (c) 2024 Dharmas Education Journal (DE_Journal) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://ejournal.undhari.ac.id/index.php/de_journal/article/view/1281 Mon, 22 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENERAPAN PEMBELAJARAN BERDIFERENSIASI TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN BERPIKIR KREATIF DAN KEMANDIRIAN BELAJAR MATEMATIS MURID SEKOLAH DASAR https://ejournal.undhari.ac.id/index.php/de_journal/article/view/1207 <p><em>The aim of this research is to find out whether there is a difference in increasing the creative thinking abilities and learning independence of control and experimental class students in class IV of SD N 32 Tanjuang Bonai. This type of research is experimental research. The population in this study were all fourth grade students at SD N 32 Tanjuang Bonai which consisted of two classes. The samples in this research were class IV A and class IV B. The instruments used in this research were test sheets and questionnaires. Hypothesis testing is carried out using the t-test. Based on the results of data analysis, there is a significant difference between the thinking abilities of students in the experimental class and the control class which applies differentiated learning. The average N-Gain gain score for the experimental class was 0.72 and the control class was 0.46. Meanwhile, regarding the relationship between differentiated learning and student learning independence, the t-count in the t-table is 0.758 &lt; 2.069, so rejecting Ha and accepting H0, it can be concluded that differentiated learning has no effect on student learning independence.</em></p> Deswita Deswita, Hasnawati Hasnawati, Yumiati Yumiati Copyright (c) 2024 Dharmas Education Journal (DE_Journal) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://ejournal.undhari.ac.id/index.php/de_journal/article/view/1207 Fri, 08 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 STUDI LITERATUR - SCAFFOLDING DENGAN METODE DEFRAGMENTING STRUKTUR BERPIKIR MASALAH HOTS https://ejournal.undhari.ac.id/index.php/de_journal/article/view/1196 <p><em>Many studies have discussed the HOTS problem. Theories such as Vygotsky's scaffolding concept, where someone will be able to achieve understanding with guidance from someone who understands better, as well as the concept of defragmenting, where by breaking down the structure of thinking from understanding the problem to solving the problem, someone can have their thinking ability facilitated, especially the ability to high level thinking or HOTS. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze these concepts to study scaffolding with the defragmenting method in HOTS problems. This research uses a literature study method to examine how the scaffolding approach with the method of defragmenting thinking structures can support students in understanding HOTS in mathematics. The main focus of this research is to examine: (1) The role of scaffolding in solving HOTS mathematics problems; (2) Scaffolding concept using the method of defragmenting thinking structures; and (3) Learning characteristics that apply this method. The main finding of this literature study states that mathematics anxiety is the main obstacle in students' understanding of HOTS. However, with a scaffolding and defragmenting approach, students can break down problems into smaller parts, facilitate understanding, and improve skills in HOTS. Thus, it can be concluded that the scaffolding approach using the defragmenting method has great potential to improve students' understanding of complex mathematical problems. The implications for this literature study lead to developing a learning program that uses scaffolding with the defragmenting method to facilitate HOTS.</em></p> Suci Wulandari, Rahmatul Hayati, Maifit Hendriani Copyright (c) 2024 Dharmas Education Journal (DE_Journal) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://ejournal.undhari.ac.id/index.php/de_journal/article/view/1196 Fri, 08 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 TINGKAT KEMAMPUAN Vo2Max PADA ATLET TENIS MEJA PUTERA PRAPON RIAU https://ejournal.undhari.ac.id/index.php/de_journal/article/view/1219 <p><em>The aim of this research is to see the level of Vo2Max ability of PRAPON Riau men's table athletes. This research is quantitative descriptive research with the research method being a survey method, namely data collection using only tests and measurements. The subjects in this research were 8 men's table tennis athletes from PRAPON Riau. The sampling technique used total sampling in which the entire population was taken as a sample. The data analysis technique in this research is descriptive statistics to collect, present and determine values. The results of the research show that from the results of research data that has been carried out by researchers, the Vo2Max ability of male PRAPON Riau table tennis athletes using the 15 minute Balke test instrument on male PRAPON Riau athletes, totaling 8 athletes, had the highest Vo2Max value of 52.89 and the lowest 49.88. The overall average Vo2Max ability level of PRAPON Riau male athletes is 51.17 which is in the medium category. Based on the data that has been obtained, it is concluded that the Vo2Max level of male PRAPON Riau table tennis athletes is in the medium category.</em></p> Roiyatul Ruqayah, Restu Nabila Copyright (c) 2024 Dharmas Education Journal (DE_Journal) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://ejournal.undhari.ac.id/index.php/de_journal/article/view/1219 Fri, 08 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF TECHNOLOGY APPROACH IN INDEPENDENT CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL https://ejournal.undhari.ac.id/index.php/de_journal/article/view/1044 <p><em>Curriculum development with a technology approach is one of several approach models in curriculum development. The technological approach is considered very relevant to be applied in MI/SD schools because we have now entered the era of the industrial revolution. Therefore, in curriculum development in MI/SD elementary schools, it is necessary to implement a technological approach in curriculum development. In fact, currently an independent curriculum is being implemented which aims to give students greater freedom in determining the course of their learning. This research aims to explore and analyze the use of technological approaches in developing an independent curriculum in elementary schools. The research was carried out using literature and qualitative review methods, namely looking for data from relevant previous research sources, then in-depth interviews with elementary/MI teachers who have implemented a technological approach to the independent curriculum. The research results show that the implementation of a technological approach can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of learning, and can facilitate students in achieving the learning goals that have been set. However, several obstacles were also found, such as minimal access to technology in the surrounding environment or difficulties in integrating technology into the curriculum as a whole. Therefore, the author recommends the need for support from various parties to make the implementation of a technological approach an important part of developing an independent curriculum in elementary schools</em></p> Arif Prasetyo Copyright (c) 2024 Dharmas Education Journal (DE_Journal) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://ejournal.undhari.ac.id/index.php/de_journal/article/view/1044 Wed, 13 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 MULTIPPERSPECTIVE ADIKALISM IN RELATION TO RELIGIOUS COUNSELING EDUCATION https://ejournal.undhari.ac.id/index.php/de_journal/article/view/1209 <p><em>This research has a very important purpose in understanding and addressing the phenomenon of radicalism. A multidisciplinary approach from the perspectives of psychology, sociology, and theology provides comprehensive insights into the factors influencing the development of radicalism. The research method used is a literature review that focuses on the analysis and synthesis of existing sources such as books, journal articles, research reports, and other sources related to the research topic. Data analysis involves the process of reading, understanding, and synthesizing information from various literary sources.The research results that identify triggers of radicalism from psychological, sociological, and theological perspectives are a crucial initial step. This provides a foundation for the development of more effective prevention strategies. The implementation of religious counseling programs with a holistic approach, including introspection, Tazkiyatun Nafs, Tadabur Qur'an, and Ta'aruf, shows that this research provides concrete solutions to address radicalism. These findings have significant implications for the development of interventions that focus on the root causes of radicalism. By understanding the factors influencing individuals towards radicalism, more accurate and targeted approaches can be developed for the prevention and handling of radicalism cases in society</em>.</p> Marsal Yunas Marsal Yunas , Depi Yuhendara, Ardimen Ardimen Copyright (c) 2024 Dharmas Education Journal (DE_Journal) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://ejournal.undhari.ac.id/index.php/de_journal/article/view/1209 Tue, 19 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF TEACHER BARRIERS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CURRICULUM MERDEKA IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS https://ejournal.undhari.ac.id/index.php/de_journal/article/view/1228 <p><em>This research aims to analyze the obstacle factors faced by teachers in implementing the Independent Curriculum in Middle Schools. The obstacle factors analyzed were reviewed from several aspects adapted to the literature, namely; Aspects of teacher understanding of the philosophy and objectives of the Independent Curriculum, aspects of teacher pedagogical skills, aspects of teacher technology readiness, aspects of collaboration between teachers, aspects of administrative support, aspects of parent participation, aspects of resource availability. The research uses a qualitative survey approach with a case study design. This research involves selected teachers as participants, who provide in-depth insight through in-depth interviews, classroom observations, and document analysis. The research results show that aspects of teacher understanding of the philosophy and objectives of the Independent Curriculum with a percentage of 83.60%, aspects of teacher pedagogical skills with a percentage of 85.20%, aspects of teacher technology readiness with a percentage of 79.33%, aspects of collaboration between teachers with a percentage of 84.27 %, administrative support aspect with a percentage of 85.73%, parental participation aspect with a percentage of 86.27%, resource availability aspect with a percentage of 85.33%. This research provides a foundation for changing educational policies and approaches to address these barriers. Conclusions emphasize the need for better training, consistent administrative support, and strengthened collaboration between teachers, school officials, and parents to ensure successful implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum in Secondary Schools.</em></p> Andra Saputra, Nurhizrah Gistituati, Ambiyar Ambiyar, Alwen Bentri, Ishak Aziz, Abna Hidayati Copyright (c) 2024 Dharmas Education Journal (DE_Journal) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://ejournal.undhari.ac.id/index.php/de_journal/article/view/1228 Tue, 19 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 EVALUASI IMPLEMENTASI SUPERVISI AKADEMIK TERHADAP KINERJA GURU SMPN 1 KABUPATEN BIMA https://ejournal.undhari.ac.id/index.php/de_journal/article/view/1285 <p><em>The research aims to determine the performance of teachers in academic supervision by supervisors, school principals, senior teachers, or mentors. This study was conducted at SMPN 1 Sape-Bima in the year 2023, which has implemented the independent curriculum. </em><em>It </em><em>is</em> <em>qualitative</em> <em>research conducted in several stages: evaluation, planning, observation, interviews, observation, and document studies. The research is used to understand and identify the academic supervision performance of teachers carried out by supervisors, school principals, and senior teachers who are related or involved in academic supervision to enhance teacher performance. It employs a good strategy to connect theory and practice. The study seeks to analyze and describe Academic Supervision in Improving Teacher Performance Motivation to create Learning Devices. The population of this study is the teachers of SMPN 1 Sape-Bima who have implemented the independent curriculum. The research findings indicate that supervision is conducted twice a year at the beginning of each odd and even semester, and it is subject-specific. However, before the supervision takes place, all teachers are informed by the school principal two weeks before the implementation begins. Supervision obstacles include instances where teachers are not present at school during the supervision due to not having teaching hours on the day of supervision and limited time due to the large number of teachers. </em></p> Sahrul Sahrul, Ardiana Vita Ratna Sari, Dyah Kusbiantari, Ahnaf Tsabitul Azmi, Annisa Aulia Sani, Muhammad Fatahul Uyun, Robi Agape Barus Copyright (c) 2024 Dharmas Education Journal (DE_Journal) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://ejournal.undhari.ac.id/index.php/de_journal/article/view/1285 Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN CONTEXTUAL TEACHING AND LEARNING BERBANTUAN MEDIA WORDWALL UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN MENULIS TEKS ANEKDOT SISWA KELAS X https://ejournal.undhari.ac.id/index.php/de_journal/article/view/1286 <p>Proses pembelajaran membutuhkan model dan media pembelajaran yang tepat, kesalahan dalam memilih model dan media sebagai alat bantu dalam penelitian dapat berdampak buruk serta menghambat pembelajaran. Pada proses pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di kelas X MIA-A SMA Negeri 1 Waingapu metari teks anekdot belum terlalu optimal. Perlu diupayakan model dan media pembelajaran yang efesien dan efektif sehingga dapat membantu siswa dalam pembelajaran materi teks anekdot. Model pembelajaran <em>Conte</em><em>x</em><em>stual Teaching and Learning</em> yang di padukan dengan media <em>Wordwall</em> dalam bentuk aplikasi berplatform permainan web bisa dipakai selaku alat pembelajaran yang sanggup menolong anak didik dalam menulis spesialnya bacaan cerita. Penelitian ini bermaksud buat tingkatkan keahlian menulis bacaan cerita anak didik kelas X MIA- A SMA Negeri 1 Waingapu. Poin penilitian ini merupakan siswa- siswi kelas X MIA- A SMA Negeri 1 Waingapu yang berjumlah 36 anak didik. Tipe riset ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). penelitian tindakan kelas merupakan riset yang dicoba di kategori dengan tujuan membenarkan atau tingkatkan kualitas aplikasi pembelajaran. Riset ini dicoba pada tanggal 3 oktober sampai 7 november 2023. Melalui penilitian ini dapat dikatakan bahwa pembelajaran menulis teks anekdot dengan menggunakan Model pembelajaran <em>Conte</em><em>x</em><em>stual Teaching and Learning</em> berbantuan media pembelajaran<em> wardwall</em> pada siswa kelas X MIA-A SMA Negeri 1 Waingapu membuat pembelajaran lebih menarik, mengasyikkan serta membagikan keringanan dan banyak membagikan khasiat untuk siswa yaitu dapat menumbuhkan kreativitas siswa dalam menulis teks anekdot.</p> Yohana Ndjoermana, Grace Somelok, Audrey Makatita Copyright (c) 2024 Dharmas Education Journal (DE_Journal) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://ejournal.undhari.ac.id/index.php/de_journal/article/view/1286 Tue, 09 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0700