Implementation of the Lease Agreement on Rental Transportation CV. Angel Travel

Implementasi Perjanjian Sewa Menyewa Pada Angkutan Sewa CV. Angel Travel


  • Gisha Dilova Universitas Dharmas Indonesia


implementation, agreement, lease, transport.


In the fulfillment of transportation services, travel has not been able to fully provide vehicles, therefore a legal relationship is established through a vehicle rental agreement which is used as a means of rental transportation by travel. The lease agreement regulates the rights and obligations of the parties stated in the Lease Agreement, the contents of which are made by the lessee. This study aims to: (1) determine the implementation of the rental agreement between the cv. Angel Travel with car owners; (2) Knowing the efforts that can be taken by the parties in the event of a default on the contents of the rental agreement. The research method that the author uses in this paper is a sociological juridical research method or an empirical juridical research method. The data used are primary data obtained through interviews and secondary data obtained through document studies. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively. The results of the study are: (1) Implementation of the rental agreement between CV. Angel Travel with car owners has not yet been fully implemented; (2) Efforts that can be taken by the parties in the event of the first default, namely deliberation or consensus to seek peace, if not fulfilled then the party who feels aggrieved can file a lawsuit to the competent district court based on its jurisdiction. In conclusion, the rental agreement between CV. Angel Travel with car owners has not been fully implemented, the obligations of the tenant in managing the vehicle used as rental transportation have not been fully implemented.


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