Handling of the Covid 19 Outbreak from a Legal Aspect
Penanganan Wabah Covid 19 di Tinjau dari Aspek Hukum
handling, covid 19, , aspects, lawAbstract
Covid-19 is a contagious disease that has caused unrest in the Indonesian people. Initially the community thought that the plague would not spread. But the fact is that this epidemic is spreading so fast that it causes death Even many medical personnel have died. The government requires the public to comply with the covid 19 health protocol. However, this outbreak is increasingly widespread, finally the government immediately formed a national team in the context of a centralized handling of the Covid-19 outbreak. From this description, the authors are interested in conducting research with the title "Handling the Covid-19 Outbreak in View of Legal Aspects". The purpose of this paper is to find out and analyze the efforts made by the government in handling the Covid-19 outbreak in terms of legal aspects. This type of research is normative legal research using legal materials in the form of primary and secondary legal materials. Then the writer analyzes the legal materials qualitatively and concludes deductively. The conclusion of this study is that the government has issued several regulations, namely First, Presidential Instruction Number 4 of 2020 concerning refocusing activities, budget reallocation and procurement of goods and services in order to accelerate the handling of Covid 19. Second, Presidential Decree Number 11 of 2020 concerning the Determination of Public Health Emergencies covid 19. Third, Presidential Decree No. 12 of 2020 concerning the designation of non-natural disasters of the spread of covid 19 as National Disasters. Fourth, Government Regulation no. 21 of 2020 concerning Large-Scale Social Restrictions in the context of the Acceleration of Handling Covid 19. Fifth, Presidential Decree Number 9 of 2020 concerning Amendments to Presidential Decree Number 7 of 2020 concerning the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).