Analysis of the Instructions for the Mayor of Padang No.451.422 / Binsos-Iii / 2005 in Siyasah Fiqh Perspective
Analisis Insrtuksi Walikota Padang No.451.422/Binsos-Iii/2005 dalam Perspektif Fiqh Siyasah
Instruction, mayor, muslim clothing, fiqh siyasahAbstract
The city of Padang issued a policy based on sharia. One of the applicable regional regulations is the Padang Mayor's Instruction Number 451.422 / Binsos-III / 2005 concerning the obligation to wear Muslim clothing for Muslims and the recommendation to wear it for non-Muslims in the city of Padang. The research method is quantitative research, namely by examining, studying, researching and analyzing the literature related to the problem under study. The data that has been collected is analyzed through the approach of vocabulary and sentence patterns. The research objective was to identify the Padang Mayor's Instruction Number 451.422 / Binsos-III / 2005 regarding the obligation to wear Muslim clothing for Muslims and the recommendation to wear it for non-Muslims in the city of Padang. The results of the research are in accordance with one of the principles of Fiqh Siyasah "The policy of a leader towards his people depends on the benefit". Perda on "it is compulsory to wear Muslim clothing for Muslims and the recommendation to wear it for non-Muslims" contains a benefit, and if viewed from the law of fiqh, this kind of regulation is valid or may be enforced because the purpose of this regulation does not conflict with the objectives of Islamic law itself, maintaining benefit religion and humans and prevent harm. This form of benefit increases the aspect of moral considerations and is a religious suggestion to increase faith, devotion to Allah SWT and to restore the values of the Adat philosophy of Basandi Syara 'Syara' Basandi Kitabulloh.