The Role of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police in Overcoming and Revealing the Crime of Motorcycle Theft in the Legal Area of the Koto Baru Police

Peran Unit Reskrim Kepolisian Dalam Menanggulangi Dan Mengungkap Tindak Pidana Pencurian Sepeda Motor Wilayah Hukum Polsek Koto Baru Peran Unit Reskrim Kepolisian Dalam Menanggulangi Dan Mengungkap Tindak Pidana Pencurian Sepeda Motor Wilayah Hukum Polsek Koto Baru


  • Amrizal Amrizal Prodi Hukum, Fakultas Hukum dan Ekonomi Bisnis, Universitas Dharmas Indonesia
  • Ratih Agustin Wulandari Program Studi Hukum, Fakultas Hukum dan Ekonomi Bisnis, Universitas Dharmas Indonesia
  • Lukman Firnando Putra Program Studi Hukum, Fakultas Hukum dan Ekonomi Bisnis, Universitas Dharmas Indonesia
  • Elfitri Yuza Program Studi Hukum, Fakultas Hukum dan Ekonomi Bisnis, Universitas Dharmas Indonesia


Criminal Investigation Unit, tackling, uncovering, criminal acts, theft


This study aims to determine the factors that cause motorcycle theft in the jurisdiction of the Koto Baru Police, to find out the role and efforts that have been made by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Koto Baru Police in tackling the Crime of Motorcycle Theft in the Legal Area of ​​the Koto Baru Police. . The method used in this research is the sociological juridical method, which is an approach that emphasizes field practice associated with the legal aspects of the applicable legislation. The results showed that: The factors causing the occurrence of motorcycle theft in the jurisdiction of the Koto Baru Police were economic, socio-cultural, and environmental factors. The efforts made by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Koto Baru Police in tackling the occurrence of motorcycle theft in the Koto Baru Police Legal Area are preventive and repressive efforts. Preventive efforts are one way to prevent crime, such as appeals and conducting patrols. While repressive efforts are taking action against the perpetrators of crimes according to their actions, while these actions are in the form of arrest, detention and the process of delegating the case to the Court.


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