Functions of Credit Agreements for Banks as Creditors at PT. BPR Dharma Nagari
Fungsi Perjanjian Kredit Bagi Bank Selaku Kreditur pada PT. BPR Dharma Nagari
Credit agreement, creditors, legal protection, rural banksAbstract
Banks as creditors must pay attention to the security process in providing credit facilities to their debtors, this is usually stated in the clauses of the credit agreement between the bank and the prospective debtor. Credit safeguards carried out by banks are basically to minimize risk or even eliminate risks that will arise or have arisen. The clauses included in the credit agreement should be impartial so as to protect the interests of both parties, namely the interests of the bank and the interests of the debtor. This study aims to determine the function of credit agreements for banks as creditors, especially at PT. BPR Dharma Nagari. This research uses the method . The research method used here is the sociological juridical method, which is an approach that emphasizes field practice related to the legal aspects of the applicable legislation. The result of this research is that the legal protection for banks as creditors against credit provided by banks can also be reached through the inclusion of clauses in the credit agreement. The clauses in the credit agreement between PT. BPR Dharma Nagari and its debtors are made in a simple way, only containing 9 (nine) articles.