Settlement of Nonperforming Loan in the Credit Agreement at PT. Bank Perkreditan Rakyat LPN Sungai Rumbai
Penyelesaian Kredit Macet Pada Perjanjian Kredit di PT. Bank Perkreditan Rakyat LPN Sungai Rumbai
Non Performing loans not handled properly will have a bad impact on the Bank, resulting in disrupted cash inflows, lost business opportunities, reduced resource allocation, and material losses. In granting credit there are several bad loans because the debtor does not carry out his obligations properly. This study aims to determine how the settlement of nonperforming loans at PT. BPR LPN Sungai Rumbai; how to minimize the occurrence of bad loans at PT. BPR LPN Sungai Rumbai; PT. BPR LPN Sungai Rumbai in solving bad credit problems. The research method that the author uses in this paper is a sociological juridical research method or an empirical juridical research method. The data used are primary data obtained through interviews and secondary data obtained through document studies. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively. The results of the study are the Settlement of bad loans at PT. BPR LPN Sungai Rumbai is quite good; Efforts to minimize the occurrence of bad loans at PT. BPR LPN Sungai Rumbai is less than optimal because it only anticipates early but does not pay attention to collateral for prospective debtors before disbursing credit; Barriers to PT. BPR LPN Sungai Rumbai in solving the problem of bad credit is the lack of communication from the debtor to the creditor and the problem of auctioning collateral. In conclusion, the settlement of bad loans at PT. The BPR LPN Sungai Rumbai has reached its maximum, as can be seen from the small number of bad loans in the last three years.